I am a Labour and Cooperative Party Councillor for the Canning Town South Ward in the London Borough of Newham. In 2019 I was appointed the borough's first Commissioner for Social Integration and Equalities. In 2023 I was appointed Deputy Cabinet Member for Social Justice and Culture.
I have been an active member of the Labour Party for more than a decade. I was the Parliamentary Candidate for East Hampshire in 2017 standing against the former Secretary of State for education, Damian Hinds. I increased Labour’s vote share by 7% with Labour coming second for the first time since the formation of this constituency. In 2019 I was also the European Parliamentary candidate for South East England where I stood against Nigel Farage.
I have also held several positions internally within the Labour Party- I was the Branch Chair for Canning Town South from 2016-2018, I served as the Secretary of the Newham Fabian Society from 2016-2019. I am also on the national executive of the Labour Movement for Europe (2019-) and was on the national executive of LGBT Labour (2018-2022) and a representative on Labour Party's National Policy Forum (2020-2022). I am also currently one of the GMB delegates to West Ham CLP.
I am a member of the University and College Union (UCU) and the GMB and also member of the Cooperative party, National Fabian Society, BAME Labour, LGBT Labour and the Labour Movement for Europe.
Case work related enquiries should be sent to Rohit.Dasgupta@Newham.gov.uk