New Councillor
I am extremely delighted that on 04th May 2018 I was elected as one of the three Labour and Cooperative Councillors for the Canning Town South Ward in the London Borough of Newham. I have been living in Newham for almost three years now and am proud to call it home. Whilst many called this election a sure win for Labour in Newham, this was not how we felt when we started our campaign. Alan, Belgica and me along side some fantastic branch officers and local activist worked very hard. In the last one month we leafleted around 90% of the ward and spoke to around 40% of the electorate. Whilst many needed no convincing there were many who wanted to know how we would be improving on local issues such as flytipping, crime prevention and youth violence and of course housing. We have made many promises on the campaign trail and the next 4 years will be about how we keep our promise to the residents. I shall be keeping a record of my casework and councillor activities over here. If you need help with a local issue do get in touch with me on